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Andreas Sjöstrand

Born in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1984, Andreas Sjöstrand is an emerging artist whose large detailed drawings is inspired by the unfathomable mystery of his own and human consciousness, and the very existence of anything at all. Andreas’s fascination with art began as a small child, and he drew notoriously for many years before setting his brushes aside playing soccer and doing stuff teenagers do.


He completed a Bachelor of Science in Engineering oriented towards design at the Chalmers University of Science in 2008. In 2010 he completed a Master of Fine Arts Degree at the Gothenburg Academy of Design and Crafts. His Master thesis was one out of only ten works chosen to be exhibited at Formex, the largest art and design fair in Sweden. The same year he was also awarded the 1st price in The Markslöjd light Prize among hundreds of contestants. Andreas was selected among 20 young European artists to be a part of the Art territory residency in Lithuania funded by the European Union where he made site specific art for a children’s hospital.


Andreas’s drawings has been shown on the walls of En deli, exhibited at the Taket Spring Saloon and has been featured in Gothenburgs main newspaper to name a few. His prints has been sold in many local shops as well as online, and has been featured in magazines. His prints has been used by stylists in several occations. He is a board member of the Taket Culture Society. 


After pursuing different interests and ventures throughout the years, art is since 2016 his main focus. Currently, Andreas is preparing a body of work for a future exhibition.

Instagram: @sjostrandart




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